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How To Deal With The Aftermath Of Holiday Weight Gain

How To Deal With The Aftermath Of Holiday Weight Gain

By Angela Ilagan | | detox, detox for weight loss, holiday weight gain tips, New Year Detox, weightloss

Let's face it: food over the holidays is so irresistible, we can't help but overindulge ourselves.

And before you know it, you already gained few extra weight.

Can you relate?

If yes, you're probably worried this time about the pounds you gain after Christmas and New years day celebrations.

But don't fret and don't beat yourself up. Here are ways you can try to bounce back with the aftermath of holiday overindulgence:

1. Resume your exercise routine

It's time to get back on track after Christmas and New Year's daybreak. Though it won't be as easy as it may seem due to post-vacation syndrome, you need ample motivation to convince yourself to start getting active again.

Begin by walking at least 30 minutes a day or start hitting the gym. Just be mindful not to overtrain or overexertion. It takes time, don't do it all at once. Have patience. 

2. Drink plenty of water

Weight loss doesn't always need to be expensive, sometimes simply drinking a good amount of water daily can aid with weight loss.

Yes, you can never go wrong with water! In fact, increased water consumption is one of the cheap ways and best way to bounce back after holiday weight gain.

Did you notice you feel less hungry after drinking a glass of water before a meal? This is because water can naturally reduce hunger and makes you feel full. Aside from that, drinking water can help you burn the extra calories you gained over the holiday and can help filter toxins from the body.

3. Fill your plate with vegetables and fruits

There are so many weight loss trends nowadays. Yet, not all of those are healthy. Still, one of the healthiest and most convenient diets is consuming fruits and vegetables.

Fruits and vegetables are packed with nutritional value, including fiber, vitamin A, C, phytochemicals, minerals, and anti-oxidant. Plus, it's low in calories which can help you achieve your desired weight. On top of that, consuming fruits and vegetables won't just aid in weight loss but can also help improve your overall health.

Moreover, according to USDA, we should eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily.

So, choose to fill your plates with fruits and vegetables, but don't ditch food high in protein. And don't forget to add Whole grains, nuts, and legumes too. Make sure your daily dietary intake is still complete. Unless you want to go vegan or vegetarian for a change.

4. Give Intermittent fasting a try

Ready for a new lifestyle change for your New Year, New You challenge?

If yes, then you might want to try Intermittent Fasting for a change. Numerous research has shown the benefits of intermittent fasting for weight loss and it can also help improve diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and other health conditions.

I'm pretty sure you've heard a lot about intermittent fasting as it's one of the latest "fad" diets. But if you want to dive deeper, we have a blog post that tackles Intermittent fasting. Check out our blog post on 16:8 Fasting, Intermittent Fasting for weight loss, and Beginner’s Guide To Intermittent Fasting.

5. Sip a Detox drink

When you're burning calories and trying to lose extra pounds through sweating, it's important to load up on the necessary nutrients our body needs. Along with that, it's also necessary to have proper digestion and good metabolism.

This is where detox comes into play — detox drinks have been shown to help improve both our body's digestion and enhance our metabolism which makes weight loss diet and exercises even more effective. Plus, detox drinks are filled with water and fiber to help you feel full and hydrated throughout the day.

We recommend you try adding Moringa into your diet plan, detox, or smoothie. It's a natural detoxifier, rich in antioxidants, anti-aging, mood booster, and effective for weight loss. Just mix Moringa powder into your water, or you can add some lemon juice and honey for better taste.

Love + miracles,



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