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10 Low-Calorie Foods Best For Weight Loss

10 Low-Calorie Foods Best For Weight Loss

By Angela Ilagan | | food lowest in calorie, health, low calorie foods, weight loss, weight loss tips

Losing weight doesn't necessarily mean starving yourself or consuming food that has no flavor  this isn't the goal. 

Of course, a diet should help you slim down but, not at the expense of losing your health. Instead, it should promote a healthy weight and result in better overall health.  

This might sound contradicting but, you can enjoy food without worrying about packing on the pounds. Yes! In fact, there are foods that will fill you up and it's also low in calories. Not to mention that these food are also easy to find on the market. 

Ready to start with a better and healthier diet? Then start making room for these filling foods low in calories which can help you with your weight loss journey. 


You can never go wrong with beans as it's best for weight loss. At the same time, it will also help make you feel satiated.

Fiber and protein — two of the most important nutrients our body needs in weight loss are actually present in beans. Beans is low in calories, rich in protein as well as fiber. 


No doubt that green leafy vegetables can do wonders to your health. These veggies are nutritious and rich in fiber which can help you with your weight loss journey, however, the question is will these healthy greens can make you feel full?

Well, the answer is yes. 

The thing is, you can actually binge eat green vegetables without worrying about gaining some pounds since it's very low in calories. 

Moreover, you're also boosting your body with great nutrients. These include vitamin C, K, A, magnesium, protein, folate, calcium, and iron. 

Go ahead and munch on spinach, kale, moringa, and other green leafy vegetables. Don't forget other colorful veggies like carrots and cucumber as well.


Want to go on snacking? Go on and munch broccoli. This vegetable is a great source of fiber. Plus, it's very low in calories, less than 50 calories at most. 

4. OATS 

If you're considering what to eat for breakfast, oat is a great choice. Though there are particular oats best for weight loss. So, better choose steel-cut oats which only have 340 calories. If none, go for rolled oats instead.

In addition to that, oatmeal can also fill your stomach since it contains soluble fiber. 

Just make sure to avoid adding extra sugar to your meal. 

5. EGGS 

If you're healthy and don't have cardiovascular or other health issues concerning egg yolks, you may add eggs to your daily diet as it contains only 74 calories. 

On top of that, eggs are also loaded with protein, iron, and minerals. 


Just to be clear, what we're referring to here are healthy boiled or baked potatoes. Not the fried ones. 

The good thing with potatoes is that they can make you feel fuller since it's high in carbohydrates. 


As long as you're using or consuming whole grains, not the refined grains on the market, then you don't need to worry about gaining weight, 

Whole grains are perfect for healthy snacking and meals as it's low in calories and can make you feel full longer. 


Quinoa is the best healthy and plant-based alternative for rice. 

It has become a staple diet for health-conscious individuals due to its low-calorie count and its highly filling at the same time. It's also packed in magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, iron, and potassium.


These sweet and healthy berries are another chart-topper in our low-calorie food list. 

Most berries which include strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries are loaded with tons of Vitamin C, have water content, are low in sugars, and have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. 

Plus, it can also fill you up for a few hours.


Did you know that fish ranked second overall in the satiety index? Yes, fatty fish which contains a good amount of omega-3 acids and protein should always be on your diet list. 

More so, eating fatty fish like tuna, salmon, cod, and halibut have been shown to help promote better heart, brain, and eye health. 

Love + miracles,



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